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Anasayfa » International Students » Being international student at Aksaray University!

Being international student at Aksaray University!

In our modern life, it has become very popular to study abroad, to be an international, to exchange the culture and life style, to be in touch with many people around the world. The popular way of being social and in contact with foreign people and culture, among the adults, is being an international student and get a degree in different types of fields. Young people choose the University and the country according to their interests on culture, life style, education type and education system, Middle-East, Europe, USA, Australia, Asia and so on.

Turkey is also one of famous countries in Middle-East on accepting the international student with the frame of Exchange programmes (Erasmus+, Mevlana, etc) as well as the accepting the students from all over the world for full-time study Bachelor, Master, Doctorate degrees. Aksaray University is one of those Universities going to top on exchanging the students from european and asian countries and also teaching full-time students from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Avganistan And some of arabian countries. Aksaray University made a great atmosphere fort he international students. The international Students Office is giving a guide for students an all cases in order to make them comfortable on adapting the new country and new University and helping them on documentations, formal situations, organization of dofferent types of evenings such as international evenings. In a word, the team of International Student Office is doing all what the international students need to feel as comfortable as local students. Specially for İnternational studens, the İnternational Studens Community is organized in the same way with another communities of local students.

To those who are interested in getting an education in Turkey but thinking which University to choose, Aksaray University is offering degrees for very low tuition fee and guarantees the quility of education! You all are welcome to ask any questions in which you are interested.

T. Sarımsokov


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